Post-acute withdrawal symptoms also known as PAWS  is the side effect of stopping drugs. Drug addiction recovery needs timely care and motivation. A drug addict is very dependent in life and needs help from family members. Coping up Post-acute withdrawal symptoms needs support and care.

Today, the patients are aware of their shortcomings due to drug addiction. With the internet information everywhere, patients are trying to understand their problems. But remember there is a lot of difference, in what kind of websites you google. Taking professional help from a counselor of a drug rehab center can help a great deal in supportive therapy.

Understanding Post-acute withdrawal symptoms (PAWS)

Brain, Mind, Obsession, Food, Snacks

Understanding withdrawal symptoms from the core aspect is very essential. During drug addiction, there is a great dependency on the cravings of drugs which can lead to many health problems. Abruptly stopping these drugs can lead to withdrawal symptoms which can be difficult to cope up. Addiction can affect your sleep, appetite, and mood drastically. It can create a greater impact on thinking and cognitive function. To gain control over your cravings can be difficult sometimes. 

It is a set of persistent withdrawal symptoms that occur after withdrawal of alcohol, opiate, benzodiazepines, antidepressant, and other substances. Drug addiction and abuse can affect mental health. It can create a negative impact on mental health. Psychotic behavior such as severe anxiety and depression are some of the symptoms of post-acute withdrawal symptoms. These symptoms may slowly fade away however there are some chances of higher continued brain damage which may lead to hypoxia causing a lack of oxygen and nutrients to the brain. 

Signs and symptoms 

Symptoms come and go with wave-like occurrences and showing many fluctuations that may affect mood. Patients should be aware of it so that they know how to cope up with them. Attaining the best possible recovery for Post-acute withdrawal symptoms also known as PAWS is our focus at Trucare Trust. This makes Trucare Trust one of the best drug rehabilitation centers. There may be psychological dysfunction even after recovering from drug addiction where the patient cannot think and make decisions. His personality, behavior, thinking capacity, and decision-making skills come to a complete standstill and become completely dependent on the family members. 

Some of the common signs of Post-acute withdrawal symptoms also known as PAWS 



Feeling of guilt 

Restless leg syndrome. 

Lack of disinterest 

Negative thoughts 

Impaired concentration

Sleep disturbance 

Appetite disturbance 


Lack of initiative

Inability to think clearly 

Emotional disturbances 


General anxiety disorder. 

Panic disorder 

Post-acute withdrawal symptoms also known as PAWS can be dangerous and confusing. There are many questions that come into the patient’s mind. Withdrawal symptoms can create setbacks in recovery. It is therefore essential to know what to expect and what to treat so that you can safely get through the withdrawal symptoms. 

Types of Post-acute withdrawal symptoms also known as PAWS 

You may be surprised to learn that withdrawal can be defined in two ways.

  1. You experience typical symptoms when you stop taking it. 
  2. You are taking a substance to avoid symptoms 

Withdrawal symptoms can ruin your life. Choosing to put an end to alcohol or drug addiction can be a great step. If done at home without medical attention, it can be dangerous. Withdrawal symptoms can be physically and psychologically quite difficult. However, getting your body on track and having a drug free life is very important. So go ahead and take an initiative and approach Trucare trust which can help you from your alcohol and drug addiction.